Sunday, October 16, 2011


Now that I have your attention, I know most of you don't care or disagree with my views, but take a few minutes to watch this video. This is what's at the core of the 99% movement. It just may well be the most succinct argument about what the financial crisis is all about and why if WE DON'T DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT will destroy the American Dream.


Anonymous said...

I agree with this impassioned fellow regarding the banks and financial trading system. I disagree regarding taxation in that the US has, cumulatively, one of the lowest effective - effective - tax rates among so-called developed nations of the world.

Of course, he is most certainly correct in his assertion that Congress is bought, lock, stock and gun barrel by corporate interests, notably but hardly exclusively, by the financial sector corporations. But, so is the Office of the President, regardless of the make, model or exterior trim of the occupant.

droidny said...

Well said. Looks like we are well into ixnay on the American Dream®.