Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
My Beloved Mother's Passing
September 15th, 1925 - December 4th, 2011

She was adjusting well to living alone without my dad, Bob Urban who died in July, at the Atria Willow Park independent living community where she, not surprisingly, made many friends, going to the many activities there, not to mention visits from her sons, daughter-in-laws, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.
About a week or so ago, she began having shortness of breath, weakness and loss of appetite, where eventually a CT scan confirmed the cancer had spread to her lungs and was sent home with the assessment that she had time to settle her affairs. She was weak from the loss of appetite and breathing difficulty, so I decided to stay overnight with Travis and Connor to keep watch over her. On Saturday, her at home healthcare nurse took one look at her and told me that she needed to go to Hospice now and with her help, got her into Hospice of East Texas Home Place. We all thought we had enough time to make adjustments to moms changed condition, but Mom's call home came Sunday morning. The hospice nurse and I agreed earlier that morning that I had to call the family in immediately. I could see that she was slipping away from me. I called and sent out texts to my Aunt Pid, brothers and Terri, "Mom is dying." I was alone with Mom as I could see her life was fading from her body. Were we going to have to endure this alone?
Just then her baby sister came in and joined me as we held her hands as each breath grew more shallow. I said to her, "Mom, Pid and I are with you. I love you with all my heart. We all love you. You don't have to hold on. You can let go. We're all gong to be okay. Your mother and father are waiting for you along with your sisters. And Dad wants his Francey back. Go to the light... go to the light. I love you Momma."
And the most amazing thing happened. Although Mom was not responsive all morning, she took a deep breath and cried,
Moments later, she took her last breath as she passed into eternity.
Aside from the birth of my children, It was the most precious moment of my life.
I feel so lucky to have the profound gift of being able to call Sarah Frances 'Momma.' I will forever remember her loving voice singing to me as a child,
I love you, I love you, I do.
Oh, Andy oh, Andy
I love you, I love you, it's true!"
and seeing the love pouring from her heart as she did the same to my children. I miss you terribly, mother. I know in the coming days that pain will subside and be replaced with fond memories.
Andrew Allison Urban
December 06, 2011
Sarah Frances Urban was born to Dr. John N. Bone and Gaynelle Bailey Bone in Jacksonville, Texas on September 15, 1925. Schools attended were Jacksonville High School - graduating in 1943; Lon Morris College and Trinity University – graduating in 1947; and post-graduate studies at Lamar University. Frances was married to Robert Edward Urban in 1947 in Jacksonville. They lived and worked in Ft. Worth one year before moving to Corpus Christi where they lived for nine years. She taught school there before two of their sons were born. Frances moved with her husband to Port Arthur in 1957, where their third son was born. They lived in the Port Arthur area for 40 years before moving to Tyler in 1997. Frances taught in public and a parochial school for 18 years in all.
While raising a family in Corpus Christi and Port Arthur, Frances was active in the Sunday school, Choir, Bell choir, Presbyterian Women, and Deacons. Memberships in other organizations important to her were the D.R.T. and P.E.O. in Port Arthur and in Tyler. Frances was a Literacy volunteer in Port Arthur and in Tyler. Having used a word processor in Port Arthur for her church and club work, she got a computer when she moved to Tyler, which broadened the possibilities for developing undiscovered talents. A favorite pastime was developed for taking digital pictures and making greeting cards. This enabled her to make birthday cards for her large family of siblings, children and grandchildren with their pictures included. She was able to use her computer skills for the women’s activities of the First Presbyterian Church in Tyler.
Frances, who died December 4, 2011, was preceded in death by her husband, Bob, of 64 years. She is survived by son David, and wife Melissa, grandchildren Michael Thorn-Leeson, wife Jill, and son Parker, and Patricia Thorn-Leeson; son Edward and grandson Zachary; son Andy and wife Terri, and grandsons Justin, Travis, and Connor.
Two sisters preceded Frances in death: Kathryn Chatfield, Anna Ruth Beall and Minerva Bassett. Frances is survived by one brother, Robert Bone, and one sister Mary Alice Adamson; 14 nieces and nephews, and many other relatives and friends.
Memorial Service will be held Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:30 at First Presbyterian Church in Tyler, Texas. Reception to follow the service.
In lieu of flowers, please make donations to The Children’s Day Care Ministry at First Presbyterian Church.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
In light of the Penn State scandal, I wonder if it will turn out like the Catholic church scandal? Money over morality?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Stewart: ‘What the f*ck happened in Oakland?’
Once again, Stewart drives the point home with a velvet sledgehammer and whoopee-cushion.
Infographic: Why China is Kicking Our Ass in Clean Tech | One Block Off the Grid: The Smart New Way to Go Solar
by Shannon, posted on July 20th, 2011.

As the European Union announced today that they are seeking funding for the Greek bailout from outside countries such as China... meanwhile back at the Ranch, the US is fighting over the dwindling scraps from fossil fuels, spending TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to secure the finite black gold, our Most Favored Nation spends $1 on renewables for every $4 in defense as the US spends $1 for every $41. As we squabble over tax-cuts for the top 1% and blame our woes on teachers, immigrants and social security, we sink deeper in hock to our red neighbors who fill the shelves for us at Wal-Mart for pennies on the dollar at the compared of our labor workforce. And what about responding to the economic crisis and our whining about Obama wanting to pour money into our crumbling infrastructure?
"In China, a 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus package launched when the global financial crisis slowed exports is already bearing fruit. The Communist Party's routine suppression of public dissent means projects tend to get done – and quickly." Click here to view the original post
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS
Of all people to acknowledge that this movement has traction is encouraging to say the least.
When Jesse LaGreca was asked about what kind of advice to give if you are interviewed at these events he said,
“One: be camera ready. Have your camera on you so if there is a media slant, you can capture it.
Two: have a coherent message. Tell people exactly why you are here…not what other people are doing. The overarching theme here is that people are being screwed, but that can’t be summed up in a soundbite-ready statement. However if you tell the media your personal story, it’s the most touching, the most effective way to communicating to people why they should be here as well.”
Chris knocked his interview out of the park.
They just want to have a party
OWS movement through the corporate MSM's eyes. Nothing to see here but a bunch of lazy hippie kooks... move along.
Source: RT.COM
Monday, October 17, 2011
1 Marine vs. 30 Cops (Marine Wins)
United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY went toe to toe with the New York Police Department. An activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Thomas voiced his opinions of the NYPD police brutality that had and has been plaguing the #OWS movement.
Thomas is a 24-year-old Marine Veteran (2 tours in Iraq), he currently plays amateur football and is in college.
Thomas comes from a long line of people who sacrifice for their country: Mother, Army Veteran (Iraq), Step father, Army, active duty (Afghanistan), Grand father, Air Force veteran (Vietnam), Great Grand Father Navy veteran (World War II).
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Now that I have your attention, I know most of you don't care or disagree with my views, but take a few minutes to watch this video. This is what's at the core of the 99% movement. It just may well be the most succinct argument about what the financial crisis is all about and why if WE DON'T DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT will destroy the American Dream.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
My grandfather took this picture almost 100 years ago while in NYC. I found this in a stack of old negatives in a box of my great aunt's mementos having no idea what it was. I sat there stunned after the image was rendered on the computer screen. Click on the image to see more.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Found on the Fox News Editing Floor
OK, I found more info:
A Fox News producer and a protester with the Occupy Wall Street Movement had a testy exchange in an interview that didn't make it onto the air.
A member of the movement's media team sent the New York Observer footage of Jesse LaGreca, the protester, politely but pointedly criticizing Fox News, as well as Griff Jenkins, the producer asking him questions. (Fox News has sent several producers and correspondents to the New York encampment; much of the coverage has leaned toward negativity or mockery.)
The video shows Jenkins asking LaGreca if the movement took any cues from the protests in Greece and Europe. "I’d say that we didn’t take our cue leading off of anybody really," LaGreca says. "It became a more spontaneous movement." He then turns his sights on Jenkins, and on Fox News itself.
"It’s fun to talk to the propaganda machine and the media, especially conservative media networks such as yourself, because we find that we can't get conversations for the Department of Justice’s ongoing investigation of News Corporation, for which you are an employee," he says.
"We’re here giving you an opportunity on the record … to put any message you want out there, to give you fair coverage," Jenkins responds. "...You wouldn’t be able to get your message out there without us."
"Take for instance when Glenn Beck was doing his protest and he called the President a person who hates white people and white culture,"LaGreca says. "That was a low moment in Americans’ history and you guys kinda had a big part in it. So, I’m glad to see you coming around and kind of paying attention to what the other 99 percent of Americans are paying attention to."
Source: Huffington Post
Friday, August 12, 2011
Johnny Cash - Hurt
This video gets me every time I see it - especially now after my father's passing.
Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt" was released on his 2002 album, American IV: The Man Comes Around. The line "crown of shit" was changed to "crown of thorns", like Reznor's censored-for-radio version, not only removing profanity from the lyrics, but also more directly referencing Christ and Cash's devout Christianity. The cover was released on a single with the B-side "Personal Jesus", a cover of the Depeche Mode single. Rick Rubin later claimed in an interview with Q Magazine that he could not bring himself to listen to the recording for months after Cash died.[citation needed]
Friday, January 28, 2011
Domestic Violence Ad
Amnesty International makes an ad here with punch... so to speak. They need to do something like this about torture.
Moments in Time
I am currently scanning some negatives

Rev. C.E.W Smith's Parsonage in Bullard, TX

Rev. & Mrs. C.E.W. Smith
I was scratching around on Google just now and found this:
PHILLIPS -- On the 16th day of October, 1880, Grace
May PHILLIPS, daughter of A.J. and Louella M. PHILLIPS.
Little Gracie was born March 19, 1879. She has gone to join her little brother Charlie, whose obituary stands next above, and who just before he died, said "look papa, look," pointing around as if seeing a vision in which he thought he recognized his little sister, "there's Gracie May." Gracie died after 4 days' illness, or congestion of the lungs. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved parents, in the loss of both of their dear children. They have none left to cheer their home. We knew them and loved them. But who loves like a father
or mother? May they go to Him whose mission is to bind up the
broken heart and healthe wounded spirit. --C.E.W. SMITH
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Gripping scene from the movie "God on Trial".
The usual answer to these questions is that "We are incapable of understanding God's wisdom." Or, "Our suffering here on Earth will be rewarded in Heaven." But I take the prosecutor's stance on what Moses should have done when Yahweh commanded blood sacrifice of his son.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Dear Christian (or anyone else for that matter)
- There are no supernatural beings – not Gods, not angels, not demons
- There are no miracles, no mystical elements, no revelations
- Natural phenomena is… natural, things happen because they do
- Humanity is beautiful - there is more good in the world than bad
- We live, we die, we create our own meaning in life
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Yelling fire in a crowded theater? What did she expect?
Do you think the recent massacre of men, women and a child in Arizona is going to be an isolated incident?
Shortly after Obama was elected by a landslide victory, I was the local pool hall we frequent listening to some very disappointed East Texans expressing their disdain. Then one guy (I forget who) asked me if I wanted to get into the assassination pool. "A what?" I asked. He replied, "Well, we're betting on how long Obama will last before he gets a cap in his nigger ass." I of course declined.
Am I surprised Congresswoman got one through her brain? The dangerous rhetoric spewing out of Palin's mouth pours gasoline on the smoldering anger, fear and hate that is bred into these people. Believe me, there's a LOT of them in this neck of the woods. These racist, bigoted bastards may be stoopid, but they're excellent marksmen. The Secret Service can do only so much. It's only a matter of time.